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Thursday, October 28, 2010


подарок от Спрингер
До 30 ноября на Springer в свободном доступе журналы по математике и computer science:


* Mathematische Annalen
* Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
* Mathematische Zeitschrift
* Inventiones Mathematicae
* Mathematical Programming
* Mathematical Intelligencer
* Archiv der Mathematik
* Numerische Mathematik
* Probability Theory and Related Fields
* Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
* Manuscripta Mathematica
* Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
* Journal of Mathematical Sciences
* Journal of Mathematical Biology
* Acta Mathematica
* Israel Journal of Mathematics
* Journal of Geometric Analysis
* Journal d'Analyse Mathematique
* Optimization Letters
* Journal of Fixed Point Theory and its Applications
* Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
* Mathematics in Computer Science
* Japanese Journal of Mathematics
* Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
* Logica Universalis
* Mathematics and Financial Economics
* Mathematical Programming Computation
* Functional Analysis and other Mathematics


Computer Science:

* International Journal of Computer Vision
* Machine Learning
* Scientometrics
* Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
* Algorithmica
* Visual Computer
* Machine Vision and Applications
* Computing
* Ethics and Information Technology
* Journal of Real-Time Image Processing
* Swarm Intelligence
* Service Oriented Computing and Applications
* Cryptography and Communications
* Journal of Multimodal User Interfaces

Огромное спасибо за новость : http://community.livejournal.com/ru_math/772714.html?style=mine

Усиленно качаем!

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