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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Тестируем Swingly - систему поиска фактов

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Это новая самообучающаяся система поиска фактов.
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Задем вопрос "What is the future of Internet?"
Результат получился ошеломляющий. Система выдала около двадцати результатов, а также определение, что такое интернет:

Internet is a(n) academic discipline, computer network, digital medium, discipline, mass medium, system, telecommunication, topic, wide area network
Также очень толковое разъяснение:
The Internet is a global network of interconnected computers, enabling users to share information along multiple channels. Typically, a computer that connects to the Internet can access information from a vast array of available servers and other computers by moving information from them to the computer's local memory. The same connection allows that computer to send information to servers on the network; that information is in turn accessed and potentially modified by a variety of other interconnected computers.

Ну и результаты (можете оценить сами):

1 answer from top search results.

  • communication, transactions and entertainment
    See how communication, transactions and entertainment might develop in the future of the Internet.

1 answer from web data.

  • NWE Wireless
    NWE Wireless is the future of high-speed Internet access.

    http://www.nwewn.com • Apr 30, 2009 • Report
1 answer from web data.

  • "We think the future of the Internet is about people, not technology, and knowing who has clout," Assayag said.

2 answers from web data.

  • "The future of the Internet as we know it depends on maintaining freedom and openness online," said Ben Scott, policy director of Free Press.

  • "This is a pivotal moment for the future of the Internet," said Ben Scott, policy director at Free Press, on a conference call today.

1 answer from web data.

  • Bob Taylor
    Looking forward, Bob Taylor in 2000, voiced two concerns about the future of the Internet: control and access.

1 answer from web data.

  • When the 2003 summit failed to agree on the future of Internet governance, the Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) was formed to come up with ideas on how to progress.

1 answer from web data.

  • two concerns
    Looking forward, Bob Taylor in 2000, voiced two concerns about the future of the Internet: control and access.

1 answer from web data.

  • video content
    Although video content is lauded and championed as the future of the internet, there is still a lot of dissension over whether it has a place in corporate blogging.

1 answer from top search results.

  • ongoing
    The future of the Internet communications revolution is ongoing, now uniting communities as it recently united networks.

1 answer from web data.

  • Seth Finkelstein's answers
    Seth Finkelstein has posted his answers to a Pew survey on the future of the Internet, and Google making us stupid (or not) in a thought provoking yet grounded (which is rare on the Web-admit it!) post.

    http://paradox1x.org • Apr 30, 2009 • Report
1 answer from web data.

  • On the matter of greater moment--Will the ax fall on Scrabulous--Jonathan Zittrain at The Future of the Internet answers his own question in the affirmative based on the name alone, opining that by calling it "rainbows and buttercups” instead of “Scrabulous” there’d be little claim of brand confusion but noting the "residual claim that the Scrabulous game board infringes the copyright held in the Scrabble game board."

1 answer from web data.

  • the term and shown activities such as publishing recommendations
    The OECD has picked up the term and shown activities such as publishing recommendations for the future of the Internet economy, for example (see the activities section).

1 answer from web data.

  • Professor Zittrain sees the rise of the relatively “tethered appliances” (e.g. iPhones, TiVos, and XBoxes) as the future of the Internet, promoted by companies and adopted by consumers because, when connected to the cloud, they seem to offer security, economies of scale or increased reliability.

1 answer from web data.

  • Google's Marissa Mayer
    Google's Marissa Mayer has unparalleled insights into the future of internet search engines.

1 answer from web data.

  • Social changes
    Social changes brought about by the Internet, & future of computing & Information Technology

1 answer from web data.

  • IPv6
    With the Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre's Geoff Huston stating that IPv4 addresses will be exhausted prior to October 2010, IPv6 is becoming increasingly important in the future of Australian Internet connectivity.

1 answer from web data.

  • Doug Gramling's three children
    Pastor Doug Gramling said his three children are part of the Internet generation that will eventually decide the future of worship.

1 answer from web data.

  • This question is part of an interview on the subject Shopping And Business On The Internet

1 answer from web data.

  • “The broadband quality study shows us which countries have made real moves towards the internet of the future," said Maria Rosalia Vicente, a professor at the University of Oviedo, in a statement.

2 answers from web data.

  • .mf
    .mf is a future Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) that is likely to be created for Saint Martin , following the decision on September 21, 2007 by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency to allocate MF as the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for Saint Martin .

  • .bl
    .bl is a future Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) that is likely to be created for Saint Barthélemy , following the decision on 21 September 2007 by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency to allocate BL as the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for Saint Barthélemy .

1 answer from web data.

  • No Answer

1 answer from web data.

  • No Answer

1 answer from web data.
1 answer from web data.

  • No Answer

1 answer from web data.
1 answer from web data.
2 answers from web data.

  • Google CEO Eric Schmidt made some kind of statements to the Financial Times about the future power of the Internet to be a BS detector when it comes to politicians’ statements.

  • Google CEO Eric Schmidt made some kind of statements to the Financial Times about the future power of the Internet to be a BS detector when it comes to politicians’ statements.

1 answer from web data.

  • from its early days
    This course will introduce the history and development of the genre from its early days in pulp magazines to its future on the internet.

1 answer from web data.

  • John Piper’s book, The Future of Justification, has prompted several discussions on the internet in regard to his critique of N. T. Wright.

1 answer from web data.

  • TV
    The advent of cable TV, DVR & Tivo, and the Internet has drastically changed the television landscape today, and will continue to change TV in the future.

    http://knowmoremedia.com/ • Apr 30, 2009 • Report
1 answer from web data.

  • at 1:00pm
    The special session, "Is An Open Platform the Future of the Mobile Internet?" follows immediately at 1:00pm in the same room.

1 answer from web data.

  • WiMax technology
    In short, WiMax technology promises a future of more powerful and more accessible wireless Internet access.

1 answer from web data.

  • with the United States
    BRUSSELS, Belgium-The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance.

Результаты можно откорректировать, указать свое согласие.
 Результат меня довольно приятно удивил - мнения многих специалистов про направления развития интернета, информация свежая.

На запрос "How many documents are in the Internet?" я получила забавные ответы:
Во-первых, система сообщила в резюме, что список ответов скорее всего не соответствует моему запросу. Опять таки, в качестве информации, было дано определение и разъяснение, что такое интернет. А среди ответов были и просто перлы типа "The internet is shit.", но несколько ответов все-таки по теме, хотя и без указания конкретного числа: "But the internet is pretty big...", "The Internet is huge...".

Мне система понравилась. В отличие от других монстров типа Wolfram Alpha и других, претендующих на роль Google Killer App, эта система хотя бы частично смогла ответить на мои вопросы.


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