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Monday, November 7, 2011

веб-разработчику и программисту

Список интересных западных публикаций    

1. 25 Secrets of the Browser Developer Tools - полезные рекомендации веб-разработчикам

2. BASIC Computer Games Edited by David H. Ahl, published 1978, Also published as 101 BASIC Computer Games - сборник "101 игра на Бэйсике", е-бук, исходники на Бэйсике

3. Building Apps with HTML5: What You Need to Know

4. The Big Picture: True Machine Intelligence & Predictive Power

5. Learn HTML5 in 5 Minutes! - о семантической разметке в HTML5 и др.

Source: week's Web Development newsletter from The Code Project.
Let’s talk HTML. The emergence of HTML5 has reinvigorated web development in many ways, but the fact that we don’t have an actual standard and do have a fair bit of feature churn means continuing confusion. And more work for devs.
Here’s one example: HTML5 Doctor tells us about The return of the u element. Looks like the semantic web is tying itself in knots.
Similarly, Bruce Lawson says Goodbye HTML5 , hello !. The fallout here as that there’s now no simple semantic way to indicate the publication date of a work. Bruce explains why this is a bad decision.
To give a bit of background about why these changes are happening in HTML5, check out Frances Berriman’s post Gold-plating the cow paths in which she explains some of they dynamics behind microformat ideas bubbling up into general-use HTML features. And why that process sometimes breaks down.
Under the hood, much of the web works with JavaScript, so if you’ve been using other languages or frameworks and are looking to jump on the bandwagon, see Christopher Bennage’s post on Devlicio.us Getting Started with JavaScript… again. Not only does he point you to some great books and tutorials, but Christopher also throws in some useful newbie tips.
A good next step is Ola Bini’s JavaScript in the small, where you can get at taste of the JavaScript design patterns and best practices that will take your coding to the next level.
Ready to go even further? David Flanagan, JavaScript guru and author of the legendary “JavaScript: The Definitive Guide” explains HTML Parsing with JavaScript
Building on your JavaScript knowledge, you can use jQuery to easily add some advanced features to your site. Along those lines, the jQuery UI Blog brings you the State of the jQuery UI Grid, which you can use to programmatically create CSS grid layouts for your sites.
Interestingly, all of your web development skills can also be translated to mobile devices. Christopher Bennage has a second useful article for you on Mobile Development: Detecting Devices & Features. In a similar vein, this MSDN Magazine article on HTML5 Browser and Feature Detection will help you start developing for the mobile web. 
Now take that knowledge a step further with this Smashing Magazine article on Rapid Prototyping For Any Device With Foundation. Responsive web design FTW!
Finally, let’s take a look at security and the back-end of your site. Anson Cheung walks you through 10 Steps to Harden Your Apache and James Cunningham shares some tips on Securing PHP
Until next week, remember to close your tags and test in all the right browsers.

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