Итак, на этой неделе список API пополнился еще длинным перечнем. Из представленного, на мой взгляд, интерес представляют следующие:
- DocumentCloud API
: From Website: “DocumentCloud is both a repository of primary source documents and a tool for document-based investigative reporting. Think of the repository as a card catalog for primary source documents. We’re building tools that accelerate the work of reporters who need to make sense of large sets of documents.” The DocumentCloud API allows developers to create applications around DocumentCloud services. Authentication (HTTP Basic Auth) is not required for searching documents, but is required for everything else.
DocumentCloud runs every document you upload through OpenCalais, giving you access to extensive information about the people, places and organizations mentioned in each.
- Encyclopedia of Life API
: Encyclopedia of Life is a website that collects biological data from various sources. Encyclopedia of Life also offers an API for developers to access Encyclopedia of Life’s data through their own applications. Example applications can be found on the API overview page. If you use the API and want EOL to be aware about your request, generate an API key and make sure to add it to your API calls. Login or create an EOL account to generate an API key from your Preferences page. An API Key is not necessary to use the API
- Eventification API
: Eventification is a website where users can submit, browse, and subscribe/RSVP to events published by other users. The Eventification API is still in production, but developers can still use the only currently available method for searching event published to Eventification and receiving the results in JSON, XML, RSS, or iCal formats.
- fastDove API
: SMS management service fastDove lets you add SMS communications easily and quickly into your applications. It’s all hosted in the cloud (and, according to the company, “run by messaging doves”), so you can access your communications anywhere, on any device. The fastDove API allows developers to create new applications around the fastDove services. Developers can access contacts and groups, create templates, associate devices with an account and, of course, send SMS messages.
Приятный большой список поддерживаемых стран. Среди них есть Украина и нет России.
- GatorURL API
: GatorURL is a URL shortening service that takes an input of a long URL and returns a short URL. The GatorURL API is a RESTful API and can either return just a plain-text short URL or it can return a JSON array that contains the short URL along with some additional data, such as if the URL already exists in the GatorURL database.
- Glosk API
: Glosk is a website where users can search for different locations around the world and be able to look at facts and photos of those locations. Users can also upload their photos of different locations. Glosk will soon be providing an XML-RPC API, allowing developers to access the Glosk database of locations and photos.
- iSpeech Automated Speech Recognition API
: iSpeech is a company that provides high-quality text-to-speech and voice recognition software (SDKs and APIs). The iSpeech Automated Speech Recognition API allows developers to create ‘hands-free’ and voice-activated applications. The API allows developers to specify simple word list based grammars or freeform dictation.
- iSpeech Text-To-Speech API
: iSpeech is a company that provides high-quality text-to-speech and voice recognition software (SDKs and APIs). iSpeech Text-to-Speech began as a tool to help college students listen to text-based study material and grew from there. The iSpeech Text-to-Speech API is a RESTful API that converts a given text string to an audio file.
Linkee API
: Linkee is a URL shortening webservice. Users can either create free short links, or links that are associated with their account. If a link is associated with a user, the user can go back and change the link destination and can view link statistics.
Linkee also provides an API with methods to shorten or expand links. Authentication is not required to use the Linkee API, however if a method call is authenticated with an api_key parameter (this is a user key, not a developer key) then the link will be associated with that particular user.
- Similar Sites API
: Similar Sites is a service to help users find new sites based on another. The API uses the same technology as the flagship site, returning up to twenty similar websites order by relevance, to a given URL in XML format. Developers can test out the API for free, but the paid service starts at $250 per month.
WikiLocation API
: The WikiLocation API is for developers wishing to search for Wikipedia articles by location. The data is gathered by downloading the Wikipedia database on a weekly basis and then parsing all of the geocoded entries. This data is stored in a database where it is able to be accessed via the API. At present, there are almost 1 million entries from en.wikipedia.org. In addition to searching via location, users can also search via the venue and spot IDs of the two most popular geo-location networks; Foursquare and Gowalla as well as by Yahoo! WOEID. The API uses RESTful protocol and responses are formatted in XML, JSON or JSONP.
- Yandex Bara API
The Yandex Bara API allows users to create the various components for the panel to Yandex, ranging from simple buttons to complex functionality. Anyone with Yandeks.Bara can add a component into their browser. The API uses RESTful protocol and responses are formatted in XML.
- Yandex Detektor API
: The Yandeks Detektor API provides the ability to model definition and characteristics of the mobile device user site on the headers of HTTP-requests transmitted by the browser to the device. The API allows users to define the following parameters and configure the device: model and manufacturer; screen resolution; kind of platform and type of distribution J2ME (4 categories); Java-based application features (access to the camera and the file system device type of the root certificate and the size of the application’s icon). The API uses RESTful protocol and responses are formatted in XML.
- Yandex Podpiski API
API subscription service allows users to create applications to read and work with RSS-feeds. The API allows users to manage feed resources such as a list of stations, data on fasting, subscribe, stream, directory, etc. The API uses RESTful protocol and responses are formatted in XML.
- Yandex Servera API
: The Yandex Servera API is a tool for full-text search with morphology of Russian language on the Web or corporate network. The API can be used to organize a full-text search on the site and the corporate network, find information located on Web pages, files and databases, search for files in various formats (html, pdf, txt, MS Office, Open Office, etc.), customized options available within Advanced search. The API uses RESTful protocol and responses are formatted in XML.
-Yandex Spellera API
: Yandex is the largest search engine in Russia and develops a number of Internet-based services and products. Yandex offers owners of websites and blogs tools with which they can apply the functional services of Yandex in their projects. The site and documentation are in Russian. Proofing Tools, which helps find and fix spelling mistakes in your texts. Currently Speller checks the text in Russian, Ukrainian and English. The API uses REST, SOAP and JavaScript protocols with responses formatted in XML, JSON, JSONP.
Yandex Ya.ru API
: The Ya.ru API provides programmatic access to the Ya.ru blogging platform data services. With this access users can develop applications that integrate with the Ya.ru platform. Examples of such applications include: logging client for creation of posts; graph a user’s social ranking and statistics, publish pictures and videos from Ya.ru on other sites and mobile applications. The API uses RESTful protocol and responses are formatted in XML.
В настоящее время библиотека веб-API уже достигла 3000 и продолжает расти с ускорением. Скорость появления новых API увеличилась вдвое. Провайдеры сервисов упрощают доступ, включая поддержку REST and JSON.
Расширяется география сервисов и сферы предоставляемых услуг. Более старые/ранние провайдеры/разработки отказываются от поддержки протокола SOAP и переходят на REST and JSON.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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Привет! Мне приятно, что как ни странно, но вы добрались до моей странички. Теперь после аспирантуры я научный сотрудник Института Прогр...
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В нашему улюбленому музеї Українського народного прикладного мистецтва , який знаходиться на території Лаври в Києві скоро будуть майстер-кл...
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